Motherhood for me has been such an honerable badge to wear, and I wear it proudly. From becoming a mom as a teen to the struggle of fertility, it’s been a wild ride ! When I first became a mom I was 19 and thankfully had a job and a loving boyfriend where together we were able to give my oldest the best life we could provide. As we got older and my Daughter got older we had hoped to grow our family .. few months went by no luck .. then a few years 5 to be exact still no luck having a baby, we went to different doctors, different hospitals and all told us they didn’t have an answer to keep trying, after learning I had a few issues in my uterus we practically gave up. Then we got our positive! We were excited to announce our new growing family ! After telling family, my belly grew and grew and one day I started having pain and bleeding and went to the doctor to find out our baby did not make it, we were close to 4 months along and we were devastated. Despite the support of my Family I got very depressed. For months I didn’t work I stayed home and mourned, time went by and we went through a total of 3 miscarriages. It was hard, hard on me as a person, hard on me as a mom and hard on me as a spouse. I gained so much weight . I lost myself honestly. 2 more years passed and we found out I was pregnant again. This time as much as I was happy I was a nervous wreck. Every week waiting for something to go wrong, then after 5 months we finally felt like it was real. We announced it to our family and tried hard to no worry. This pregnancy was absolutely scary and as the months went by I was more and more nervous. But I was so excited to meet our new bundle of joy. Once the day came to have my baby we all cried of happiness to finally complete our family! Our baby boy was healthy and thriving! After many loses and unhappy moments we saw the light at the end of the tunnel and finally gave a sigh of relief to our crazy ride. Our baby boy was a “rainbow baby”. A rainbow baby is a name coined for a healthy baby born after losing a baby due to miscarriage, infant loss, stillbirth, or neonatal death. The name “rainbow baby” comes from the idea of a rainbow appearing in the sky after a storm, or after a dark and turbulent time . He is a ray of sunshine! And with him we are finally complete 💕
So now 2 years later I’m trying to be the best version of me possible for my kids to be here to enjoy them for many many years! Started a weight loss journey happy to say it’s the best decision I made 💕💕